If you have dreams of starting a business but are lacking in the money and credit department, there’s hope for you yet.
You may have considered bad credit business loans; however, a major caveat
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Unless you’re independently wealthy, you’ll likely have to borrow some money to get your new business off the ground. After all, they say you have to spend money to make money.
When considering
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When you’re trying to start up a small tech company, getting a loan can be hard. You might not have any credit to build off of and, no matter how small, tech companies are expensive to get going.
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Do you have a partner or cosigner and thus are not control of 100% of the company?
Partner/Cosigner Details:
Please input your partner/cosigner's details here, or review the information we already have on file. You cannot submit your application until you fill out all of these fields.
Partner/Cosigner First Name *
Partner/Cosigner Last Name *
Partner/Cosigner Cell Phone Number *
Partner/Cosigner Email *
By submitting, you confirm the information about your business partner entered above is complete and accurate.